Monday 21 April 2014

my easter/spring manicures

I am going to start today's blog by saying HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE. I hope you have all enjoyed your easter weekends, mine was very interesting ranging from tedious catholic mass to a male stripper in Church to a futuristic re-enactment of the resurrection of Jesus - let's just leave you with that amount of information! - I am going to then apologise for being so absent of late. I have been really quite ill this month and so haven't had much energy to dedicate to my lovely little blog! But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy using lots'o beauty products and doing pretty nail art.. If you follow my instagram/twitter you will be able to see my updates all the times! 

Today I have a rather simple post for you, featuring my nail art from the weekend and a little tutorial on my easter pattern nails :) Now I know it's a little late seeing as Easter is over, BUT these nails can be adjusted for any spring day. Minus the bunny you have a lovely spring manicure. Easy peasey.

I started the weekend rather plainly as far as nail art is concerned, I didn't have a lot of time so I rustled up a simple dotted design and added a negative space feature nail to spice things up a little bit. I always do my nail art whilst watching my favourite current series or doing my episode catch ups, so if you think you have to set time aside to sit at the kitchen table with all your polishes around you - yeah, don't bother! - stick the telly on, get comfy with a cuppa and your mates and paint as you chill.

As the weekend went on I got more into the Easter spirit, depsite my lack of Easter eggs this year, I did a more complicated design for the April nail challenge by @californails on Instgram. I love this cute design, I haven't done something funky or themed in a while so I have done a quick tutorial on the most patterned nail, breaking it down for yah!

Easter Mani
Start with a coat or two of your favourite polish (I used my Nails Inc Gel Effect Polish in Mayfair Lane)

Then add your base stripes, in whatever colours you want, for this theme pastels and soft colours are prettiest! (I used NYC In a Minute in Raindrop, Models Own Ice Neon Polish in Pukka Purple and GOSH Cosmetics Special Edition Polish in Splish Splash)
Use a small flat brush to paint on your stripes, don't be afraid of lumps/bumps or double coating as long as you have an even base colour.

Once your stripes are dry and more evened out in the process (if you want you can do a top coat to smooth them out but it isn't necessary) you can add your designs. For this theme dotting and zigzags work best. 
To achieve a nice zig zag design us a thin flat brush dipped lightly in your chosen polish to create lines like below...
To get lovely dotting use dotting tools like below to dip and dot as your please...

Et Voila, perfect with a shiny or matte top coat of your choice (mine was the Diamond Strength Top Coat by Sally Hansen - but I am cheeky and use it on the top too because I have run out of my Insta-Dri Sally Hansen Top coat - oops, oh well, I'll do what I want)
The bunny is really easy if you have brushes or nail pens, do your pink bits first and them your black bits second and tah dah!

I added some simple dotted nails in part to make the features stand out but mostly because my film was drawing to a close and I was tired!

Hope you like these designs everyone, I am writing up a lovely make-up B&A for you all (something new!) for tomorrow :D Feel free to ask any questions I will answer as quick as possible as best I can!

See you on the tweeting and instagramming side @curiousitybty

PS Remember, all the product names I feature are links to places you can find them, as is my twitter name above (it's the same for my instagram too!)

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