Tuesday 8 April 2014

howard's beauty stash

my little best friend, chloe howard is one of the most beaut ladies i know, so it is only natural that when I went to her house I completely raided her make-up and beauty stash! She called me nosey, I say I'm curious..

Once she showed me all her fave products I thought it only fair that I dedicate a post to her as planned... Showing off every single beauty secret and guilty pleasures she has in her stash! And here are her reasons for loving each and every one of them...

chloe cleanses...

Chlo's got many favourite products as you can see, she is like me. And so she has a lot of cleansing products, just like me she knows how important cleansing is for your skin and also your hair. 
On her hair she uses the Lush It's Raining Men Honey Rich Shower Gel for Body and Hair, which is like nothing I have ever smelt. It's definitely lush. Chloe loves this gel as a shampoo because the ingredients such as ginger and honey are naturally sourced from the rainforest and so it's all pure goodness unlike he previous shampoo's. 
Then she uses Herbal Essences Rainforest Flowers Shimmering Colour Conditioner because she finds with this conditioner you only need a small dollop to get your hair lovely and soft and is cheap enough for her student budget. 
Even though the Lush shower gel is for hair AND body, Chloe loves to the vegan appropriate Original Sources Lime Shower Gel because it feels nice on the skin (and again it's naturally sourced and packed full of limes).
Vitamin E Gentle Facial Wash from The Body Shop is Chloe's go to face wash because it is lovely and gentle on her pale and sensitive skin, and its really good for when she doesn't need or want any rough exfoliation. It also smells really nice and has the all important Vitamin E in it, healing any scars or blemishes and improving the skins tone.
Clean & Clear Exfoliating Oil Free Daily Wash  is perfect for Chloe's stash because you only need a little bit to exfoliate your face and know it's doing it's job. It's not too harsh and has no oil's in so you don;t end up with and oily complexion.

chloe moisturises...

There is one moisturiser that works miracles for Chloe's skin, it's Dove Nourishing Intensive Moisturising Cream. It seems that any issues or bad skin days Chloe has can be cured by putting this on and the next morning she wakes up a new woman. She says it makes her skin really greasy which worried her, but this probably means it draws out all the good oils in her skin to help moisturise and heal and dry skin or blemishes she has. Sounds bloody perfect if you ask me!
In the same line as her favourite Vitamin E Facial Wash is the Moisture Cream and Nourishing Night Cream. Loving them for their Vitamin E qualities, treating her skin to a little healing vitamin love.
And for her little hands, a woman by my own heart, with the Soap & Glory Hand Food. I love this for the marshmallowy fragrance. Chloe loves it because it's the best hand food she has ever had. And more relevantly, it's non-greasy unlike other hand creams.

chloe powders...

A secret wonder in Chloe's amazing stash of beauty goodies that totally took me by surprise (and I have to say I am going to invest) is the Lush Silky Underwear Dusting Powder. you heard right, powder for your knickers to make them silky and smell amazing even after you have washed them. Chloe pours it all over her knick knacks so they are super soft and pretty smelling, (and they slip off easily!)
For the rest of her body to keep it super soft she uses Johnson's Baby Powder (who doesn't love some talc!).

chloe treats herself, she tans, masks and oils...

To get a lovely natural build up tan Chloe uses the Sugar Baby Glow & Beyond Natural Tinted Self Tan Gloss that she annoyingly bought in Australia! But the link will take you to a place you can get it online ;) She likes this tan in particular because it is a really natural colour and tops most tans she has used (she has good experience with fake tans as she is a pale gal like me). It is really easy to apply, no streaks and you can apply before a shower and still have a lovely naturally looking tan afterwards! (Chloe recommends applying the night before a night out and showering the next day to stop yourself looking like your faking it!).
When having a pamper night we all love certain face masks. Chloe has a particular favourite that is the Strawberry Souffle Moisturising & Purifying Masque. Strawberry & Whipped cream fragrance and meant to soften and nourish your skin Chloe loves how her skin feels after 15 minutes in this bad boy!
Another Johsnon's baby product Chloe loves for treating her skin is the Johnson's Baby Oil with Camomile. Camomile is a lovely ingredient that has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory capabilities and this oil also locks in double the moisture. Chloe loves it because it's the perfect post shaving product to get the silkiest smoothest stems.

So there it is, the top picks of Chloe Howard's beauty stash! Next post will be my mums left overs and products she has sworn by since I can remember. (plus tips I learnt from her)

Bah bye :)

@curiousitybty - feel free to follow me on instagram or twitter the more the much more merrier! :)

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