Saturday 8 March 2014

liebster time

so the lovely Emily ( nominated me for the Liebster Award! And I've been trolling around the internet to find my nominations and then last weekend I got another lovely nomination from Sarah ( :) How sweet..

I am so happy my blog has been nominated twice I literally feel so freaking proud haha.. So here goes nothin'

the rules
1. You must link back to the blogger that nominated you.
2. You have to state 11 facts about yourself.
3. You have to answer 11 questions that were given to you by the blogger who nominated you.
4. You have to nominate 11 other blogs and set 11 questions for them to answer.
5. You can't nominate the person who nominated you.
6. You have to tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.

11 facts about myself
1. Something you all may know - I LOVE nail art - it is an obsession of mine and will do anyones nails for fun (if I can be bothered haha)
2. I am university student - I am in my placement year of a Fashion Marketing course and as much as I love working full time and earning (some) money I cannot wait to go back and be a student again! Roll on £10 nights out.
3. I am ginger - and proud. 
4. My guilty pleasures include the tv show Charmed at the minute (amongst other amazing things like Ally McBeal, the Scream trilogy and Doctor Who (though everyone in their right mind should appreciate all of the above))
5. I still haven't eaten the white chocolate snowman my brothers lovely girlfriend gave me for Christmas.. God knows why!
6. I work in Public Relations - even though growing up I was the shyest and quietest person ever.
7. I can eat an entire large Dominoes pizza in one sitting.
8. My leg length is 36 inches (aka very freakin long)
9. I love cats - I have two back home, that I miss heaps, and will probably end up the woman married to her 20 cats that you will read about in the paper in 20 years.
10. I have a lot of short friends.. like a strange amount of my super close friends are really quite short.
11. I don't eat vegetables. Well, it's not that I don't period but I really don't like cooked veg... cabbage and spinach being my worst nightmares!

Emily's questions to me...
1. If you can take a picture of anything what would it be? The Great Barrier Reef

2. Who is your favorite band? Will have to say Muse (forever and always)

3. What's your favorite album? Tough one.. The Breakfast Club Soundtrack or Moulin Rouge Soundtrack probably

4. Favorite song? El Tango De Roxanne

5. If you could meet anyone who would it be? Micheal Fassbender hands down - and everywhere else ;)
6. Your favorite thing to do. My nails ofc
7. What's your favorite animal? CATS  - more specifically white lions
8. What's your favorite flower? Used to be Bird of Paradise but now white Roses
9. What's your favorite shirt? Erm.. The one Micheal Fassbender is wearing right now
10. What is your favorite clothing item? My velvet vintage strappy top I found in a charity shop in Crewe
11. If you were trapped on an island, what five items would you like to have with you? Bertie bear, Mascara, a guitar or drum (for a bit of music), Micheal Fassbender (please can he count!?),  a bottle of Malibu! 

Sarah's questions to me..
1. Name 3 of your essential beauty products. Currently that would be Soap & Glory Hand Food, Simple Cleansing Lotion and Rimmel Retro Glam Mascara
2. What's your favourite place to be? On a sunny quiet beach with a cocktail and a book, under a shady umbrella please! - but more accessibly in the comfort of my own bedroom
3. What's your nickname? Oh well, I have many some know me as Abs (family) or Gabs/Gabble (Uni) or Scabi/Scabiwhale haha (girlfriends at home)
4. What is a makeup no-no that you have done? Moisturising RIGHT before you put your foundation on.. rookie mistake haha
5. What is your favourite quote? Easy - as it is inked onto my body haha - 'In a world of my own' from Alice in Wonderland
6. What do you think is the best childhood candy? All of them! They aren't just for childhood ;)
7. Place of the house your hate cleaning the most? Oh wow.. I don't really clean.. but it would have to the the toilet! ew..
8. If you suddenly won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? A round the world plan ticket for me and my bestest friends
9. Have you ever broken a bone? Nope, which is so strange as I am so clumsy!
10. What's your most used nail polish colour? White! It's my favourite.
11. What makes you happy? My Bronzed Aussie Boys calender hehe

i am nominating: by Ruby by Mimi by Juliette by Jem by Aldona by Filipa by Kim by Jessica by Bohemianwood (Couldn't find your name!) by Chelsea

and your questions from me are...
1. What is your favourite childhood film and why?
2. Your favourite make-up brand?
3. What era would you go back to you if you had a time machine?
4. In your eyes, what is the best TV show ever made?
5. Do you have any tattoos, if so what are they?
6. What piece of advice to give out the most? A.K.A, what is your motto in life?
7. What is your favourite smell/fragrance?
8. Night or Day?
9. What was the last good deed you did?
10. If you had the balls to dye your hair any colour, what would it be?
11. What is your favourite time of year?

Well, I enjoyed doing that.. even if it did take me a while ahaha. thank you so much to the girls who nominated me it is lovely to be welcomed into the blogger community! :) xxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Awesome, I want to take a picture of the Great Barrier Reef also.

  2. Thank you for nominating me, here's my answers :) xx
